Monday, September 30, 2019

Employment and Unemployment

The employment rate means the number of people that is presently employed divided by the population of working age. Unemployment is a situation where labour force participants are avaible, willing to work and actively looking for a job but are unable to find any jobs. Labor force is defined as the people above the age of 16 and older who are employed or are actively seeking employment. Unemployment rate can be calculated by dividing the number of unemployed with the labor force.Changes in unemployment depend mostly on inflows made up of non-employed people starting to look for jobs, of employed people who lose their jobs and look for new ones and of people who stop looking for employment. The cause of unemployment in Malaysia varies. There are four types of unemployments, which include cyclical unemployment, frictional unemployment, structural unemployment and seasonal unemployment. Cyclical unemnployment of Malaysia happens when there is lack of jobs due to the downswing in a busine ss cycle or a recession.Due to this economy declines, the number of job layoffs crossways the world is rising extremely. The International Labor Organization affirmed that up to 51 million jobs worldwide could be eliminated due to the recession. Malaysia is no exception. Normally with an unemployment rate of 2% to 2. 5%, could rise to 4. 5% in that particular year. Since January 2009 about 10,000 Malaysians have been jobless. Another problem that causes the increasing of unemployment rate of Malaysia is that there are so many new job seekers each and every year.Research shows that every year there are 600,000 new job seekers in Malaysia. This is when the frictional unemployment happens which people are in between jobs, entering and reentering the labor force. For example when people quit their jobs for a better position or higher wages or when fresh graduates are actively seeking for jobs. Even though these people are not working, but they are counted as part of the labor force beca use they are searching for jobs.It is stated that structural unemployment is when jobs are available but the unemployed does not have the skills to fill these jobs. In Malaysia, the case is quite the opposite. There are many highly-qualified candidates, but they are too embarrassed to take on low-paying jobs, although a local spokesperson says that ‘job seekers should accept whatever job positions they can get’. That would decrease the number of people seeking jobs, which would decrease unemployment based on frictional and structural unemployment. Seasonal unemployment takes place hen seasonal variations happens during the activities of particular industries caused by climatic changes, changes in fashions or by the intrinsic nature of such industries. In Malaysia, there are a lot of opportunities in the plantation sector. With the typical weather of Malaysia, people in the plantation sector are able to grow crops all year round. Nonetheless, seasonal unemployment still takes place. For example, the sugar industry is seasonal in the sense that the crushing of sugar-cane is done only in a particular season. Such seasonal industries are bound to give rise to seasonal unemployment.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Modern tragic hero Essay

Aristotle defines a tragedy as a â€Å"form of drama defined by seriousness and dignity and involving a great person who experiences a reversal of fortune†. This ‘great’ person is normally held in high regard and possesses a tragic or fatal flaw which contributes to the reversal of fortune. The character must pass through suffering and trials in which they are brought to their limit and, eventually, the character realises their mistake or flaw, and develops as a result of this. Unfortunately, the development invariably comes too late, and the tragedy ends in the character’s death. According to Aristotle, a tragedy must induce fear and pity in the audience. Watching a person held in high regard fall leaves the audience wondering if a single mistake could really lead to such a drastic turn of events. The Crucible was written at a time when Miller was summoned to appear before the House Un-American Activities Committee. During the 1940s and early 1950s, the fear of communist sympathisers became so great that under Senator Joseph McCarthy, the committee became paranoid in its search for possible communists. As this was happening, Miller began seeing parallels between the actions of the committee and the witchcraft trials in Salem two hundred years ago: â€Å"What was manifestly parallel was the guilt, two centuries apart, of holding illicit, suppressed feelings of alienation and hostility toward standard, daylight society†. The possession of lists pertaining to possible offenders is a particular link, and Miller fashioned The Crucible around both the events of his time and the Salem witch trials. Miller wrote the play for modern audiences and while John Proctor’s path is similar to the one defined by Aristotle, there are a number of differences. John Proctor is described as blunt and honest: â€Å"He had a sharp and biting way with hypocrites,† He has a rebellious spirit which leads him to be impulsive and rash on occasions. An example of this is when Parris mentions a faction. Proctor in jest says, â€Å"Then I must find it and join it†. This behaviour typical to Proctor differs a great deal from the repressive norm of the time. His behaviour also leads him to trouble later in the play, as others do not appreciate his more liberal thinking. â€Å"In Proctor’s presence a fool felt his foolishness instantly-and a Proctor is always marked for calumny therefore. † As a result of his sometimes rebellious attitude, he puts himself in a dangerous position when the hysteria elevates. Proctor is principled and a man of conviction. His refusal to go to church is not motivated by laziness but by a dislike of how Parris runs it. Miller also says that he came to, â€Å"regard himself as a kind of fraud†. Proctor understands that he is not the perfect Christian that he appears to be, and while he remains respected in the village, he himself feels undeserving of such respect because of the sins he has committed. As such, his fear of public humiliation is so great that he is reluctant to act when Elizabeth urges him. To Proctor, the risk of Abigail revealing his sins is too great. Proctor is very weak willed at the start of the play, which highlights his vulnerabilities as a human being while making his change all the more pronounced. He lacks moral courage and strength: strength to do what is right and courage to act, despite the risks on his own reputation. In his actions toward Elizabeth, we see he is loyal and caring. Even though he strayed from his vows, he seeks forgiveness more than anything else and puts off Abigail’s advances, â€Å"I will cut off my hand before I reach for you again. † He is protective of his wife’s feelings, and tries to spare them by deceiving through omission. This is demonstrated when Proctor leaves out that he was alone with Abigail for a moment. However, when Elizabeth finds out about it, she is hurt that he lied, and suspicious of his reasons for doing so. Through this deception, Proctor is inadvertently protecting his own insecurities which, while seemingly non existent to the outside world, he displays in private when with Elizabeth. Proctor lacks confidence in regard to his wife. He feels that he is trying hard to gain her trust but is not getting any response from her: â€Å"On Saturday let you come with me, and we’ll walk the farm together. † This is an obvious attempt to do something romantic with his wife, but Elizabeth is less than enthusiastic. Their inability to face up to their problems and the habit of tip toeing around sensitive subjects prevents the forgiveness that he so craves and keeps their relationship tense. With regard to moral courage, Proctor’s fear of humiliation makes him indecisive, as the only way to stop Abigail’s lies is to hurt her. Here he shows his flaws. He doesn’t want Abigail to reveal their affair. He doesn’t want to hurt her because of his affection and while he knows what she is doing is false, his inaction allows the situation to deteriorate drastically over a short period of time- the start of his fall. Proctor also has a great fear of being judged by others, especially his wife. He says to Elizabeth: â€Å"I’ll not have your suspicion any more,† to which Elizabeth replies, â€Å"John, if it were not Abigail that you must go to hurt, would you falter now? I think not. † It is evident that what she says is true, but, because of this, Proctor immediately jumps to his own defence, â€Å"I confessed, confessed! Some dream I had must have mistaken you for God that day†. This reveals his resentment for being judged, and his belief that only God has the right to do so. Elizabeth also points out Proctor’s confliction and self doubt, â€Å"I do not judge you. The magistrate sits in your heart that judges you,† meaning Proctor is punishing himself for his sins, and channelling his guilt by blaming his wife. In this interaction with Elizabeth we truly see how insecure and weak Proctor is, a far cry from the strong outward appearance he shows to others. His inaction stems from his pride, fear and insecurity, and leads to dire consequences for him and Elizabeth. However, as the play progresses, Proctor goes over a sudden and monumental change. Spurred by the arrest of his wife, the innate defiance in him surfaces and Proctor begins to gain moral courage, becoming committed to freeing his wife. Only in the absence of Elizabeth does John discover purpose and tenacity to do what he has to. He is not yet at the point where he can admit his affair openly to stop Abigail, but he begins to see the extent of the hysteria through Mary Warren and resolves to stop it with the aid of Mary Warren, â€Å"All our old pretence is ripped away-make your peace with it! † He must now contend with Mary’s weak nature, and it is ironic that at the moment of gaining new strength, he must help Mary overcome her weaknesses and fears. Proctor is still scared for his reputation, but the arrest of Elizabeth is the catalyst of his future development.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Discuss the value of having a strong corporate brand for an Essay

Discuss the value of having a strong corporate brand for an organisation - McDonalds - Essay Example (McDonalds Corporation, 2008; Brand Republic, 2002) For this study, the student will first define the true meaning of brand followed by the basic information related to the establishment of a brand. After discussing how McDonald’s have been managing its corporate brand over the years, the student will examine the importance of branding within the hospitality industry. Prior to the conclusion, the student will enumerate the benefits attached with having a strong brand on the part of McDonald’s and its consumers. Brand is defined as the â€Å"name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of these† (Kotler, 2000: 404) such as the yellow coloured ‘M’ sign of McDonald’s. Basically, the main purpose of a brand name is to enable the consumers to identify the products or services of one company from a similar product that is being offered by other companies. Aside from using a simple brand name, it is also possible for McDonald’s to have a brand extension such as in the case of ‘McDonald’s Happy Meal’ or ‘McDonald’s land or playplace’ used in targeting children (Gidman, 2008; Roberto & Roberto, 2004) offered by the company; (2) the physical and emotional benefits the consumers get out of patronizing the company’s product and services; (3) the values of the company in terms of its capability to render a high quality product to its target consumers; (4) the corporate culture such as being organized in terms of delivering its services to the public; and (5) the kind of consumers that patronizes the products and services offered by the company. (Aaker, 1997; Kapferer, 1992: 38) There are many ways on how to establish a brand. Marketing managers or a company owner(s) has the option to use the founder’s name(s), location, the quality of a product, the lifestyle of a company’s target market, an artificial name, a culture or a heritage. (Urde et al., 2007;

Friday, September 27, 2019

Ethnics studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethnics studies - Essay Example r mentions that â€Å"the cover of National Review featured President William Jefferson Clinton, first Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and vice president Al Gore, all in yellowface† (Hwang). He further explains that this paints the fact that the political leaders have been greatly blinded by Asia’s wealth so that America is now losing its identity as a nation. Such circumstance is also reflected in the character of Terrence Granville who was poisoned by the evil doctor. Consequently, the young man goes to his team and encourages his girlfriend to unearth the real sword and mask to give to Manchu. Like the yellow-faced politicians, Granville, a representation of American leaders, is pushed blindly to bring his team to the dangers of Manchu’s evil plans. World power is one of the great desires of leaders that led to various wars and killed many people. The movie mentioned above also portrays this theme. Dr. Manchu wanted Genghis Khan’s armor and mask because he wanted to dominate the world. However, the English Nayland Smith and Sir Lionel Barton are determined to stop him from his evil plans. Therefore, they need to get to the tomb of the fallen great Mongolian leader before Manchu does. This event reflects the idea of Hwang’s representation of Asians as pollutants (p. 9). As such, they should be minimized if not extinguished. The world domination of Dr. Manchu represents the scattering of Asians who are thriving wherever they go. For instance, during the gold rush, many Chinese migrated to America. However, they are often suppressed by the Whites because they obviously have leadership capabilities. A time finally came when the Chinese had to serve in American homes. This mixing of races in one environment allowed int ermarriages. The lovable characteristics of the Asians attracted them to the Americans nevertheless there has always been that fear of their ethnicity. Again, this could be seen in the lives of Granville and Manchu’s daughter, Fah Lo See. When

Thursday, September 26, 2019

TMA 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

TMA 1 - Essay Example One of the internal factors that affect the overall culture of the organization is leadership. The vice chancellor, being the chief executive officer and the deputy manager, plays a very important role in influencing culture in the college. For instance, the changes that come about by the beginning of the year were much influenced by the leaders of the college. Some of the lecturers and students were not involved in this and, as a result, required to leave. Communication is the other factor that influences culture in the Skyline College. The communication between the workers and the management has a major role in keeping the culture of the college. For example, the recent changes effected in the university were rejected by part of the workforce and the students’ body. Most of their ideas and grievances were ignored and, as a result, some of the lecturers ended up quitting while a small number of students opted to transfer to other schools. The third internal factor that affect s culture in any organization is the structure of the organization. The division of labour in any organization is important in determining culture in any organization (Hodder, 2001). To understand some of the external factors that influence culture in an organization, Pest analysis is necessary. Politics is a major external influence of culture in any organisation. ... This will automatically lead to change in culture. Economy is also a major determinant of any culture. For example, an affluent economy can be able to support technological advancements and other important gears that a poor economy cannot be able to afford. It is also evident that economy will affect the environment of the institution, especially the infrastructure of the institute which is very vital to the organisation culture. Role of leaders at Skyline College The above factors have a major impact on the culture of the organization as a result; there needs to be a person or people to monitor and control this influence. Leaders at Skyline College play a major role in mediating the impact of different factors in the school. First, the vice chancellor of the college is responsible for ensuring that every member of staff performs his/her duty as expected. This ensures that every employee knows the role they play in the various departments and what is expected of them. The vice chance llor also has the responsibility of allocating leadership roles to different workers, lecturers and students, as a result, influencing the way professional duties are carried out in the organisation. The leaders are also responsible for ensuring that there is effective communication in the school (Schein, 2007). For example, the deputy chancellor makes sure that suggestion boxes are emptied every week and read by the administration heads. With this, the vice chancellor is able to know all the issues affecting the college and how they can be worked on. Organization structure is also influenced by the leadership of the university. For example, in the recent changes in the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Hamlet (A Critical Analysis) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hamlet (A Critical Analysis) - Essay Example Hamlet never intended to kill Claudius before his father’s ghost appeared and urged him to do so. In fact, it was his internal battle (introspection) that didn’t let him succeed in deciding what he wanted to. There are different theories about Hamlet’s delay in taking revenge. It is believed that he was afraid of being what he was accusing Claudius for; the murderer. Because murdering Claudius would not have made him better than him. In five brother’s story he experienced the darker side of revenge. He wanted to be quick in taking action but was cautious enough to identify emotion and illogical thought attached to it (Westlund 244-256). The story of five sons of a murdered man is narrated within Hamlet. All of sons have their own interpretation and way of taking revenge. Among all of them, Hamlet’s understanding and way of taking revenge is portrayed to be the most balanced one. Neither he acts promptly nor stays completely inactive, rather waits for the right time to act (Rasmussen 463). Hamlet is being criticized for delaying revenge due to his procrastinating nature or belief not to murder a disarmed man as Hamlet rationalize his decision in speech. Another reason for the delay can be the fear of destroying a man (Claudius) who was experiencing a spiritual awakening. It may be true because, according to McCullen the idea of revenge in Elizabethan era required spiritual and physical destruction for absolute revenge (24-25). Thus, Hamlet quit the idea of killing Claudius while he was praying. Hamlet wants to wait for the right time. It does not reflect his being inactive or a procrastinator because strangely, he was active enough to murder Polonius and two spies, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Besides being two of the most crucial characters, Shakespeare keeps readers unaware of Ophelia and Gertrude’s feelings and inner

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Individual Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Individual Development - Essay Example Competence - Industry versus Inferiority - School-age / 6-11 years. Fidelity - Identity versus Role Confusion are adolescents / 12 years till they are 20. Questioning of identity. Who they are, how they do fit in? Where they are going in a life? Erikson believed, that if the parents were to allow their children to explore, they could conclude their own self. Conversely, if the parents incessantly push him/her to be conventional to their views, these teen will face personality confusion. This is the stage that relates to this paper’s topic of discussion. Others include; Intimacy versus isolation, generativity versus stagnation and the eight and last stage being Ego integrity versus despair (Erikson, 1982). As the authors have noted (Connell 1995; Frosh, Phoenix, and Pattman 2002; Svahn 1999), ideal masculinity and stereotypical is often connected with hardness and strength. It is true that events stem from the past, but still, nearly all girls and boys would likely not be pleased to speak about their weak spots so explicitly, but would rather try to turn them into assets, into unpleasant experiences that in the end prepared them to be more independent and stronger, that is, something putting them more in conformity with masculine standards or ideals. Their nests are normally permeated with political awareness in various ways, and according to them, there is nothing not to be viewed as political. This case is a clear example of how adolescents may reflect upon matters of gender roles and identity, and make personal decisions about what they desire be like, not necessarily as boys or girls, but as individuals. Conversely, there is always a cost to pay for those deviating from ideals and norms. Though no generalized claims may be made on the foundation of this matter, it is still a fact that adolescents, who contravene gender stereotypes, besides tells tales of bullying and/or social exclusion (C. Frosh, et al, 2002). The issue here concerns

Monday, September 23, 2019

Fans Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Fans - Research Paper Example However, some fans behave in a violent manner thus being regarded as hooliganisms (Keys 23). A variety of sports has different fans who offer help and support for the various sporting clubs. However, fans of these sports vary in terms of their character and passion for the game. For instance, baseball fans to some extent have more passion for the sport compared to soccer fans. Therefore, I believe that baseball fans do enjoy watching the sport compared to soccer fans. First, the purpose of attending games is to watch the game and enjoy oneself. The need to seek entertainment from watching sport from the stadium or even a sport center makes fans sacrifice and pay for tickets in order to enjoy the sport. However, I do believe that some fans do not derive satisfaction from attending some sporting events. Most of the soccer fans are stubborn and keep moving up and down in the stadium (Zathras 1). In most instances, fans move seeking to be let out of the row thereby disturbing the sited fans. By moving around, soccer fans prove that they do not enjoy the game. This is because fans that enjoy the game sit and concentrate the entire sporting period (Zathras 1). This is contrary to the baseball fans that in most instances remain calm and concentrate during the sporting event. Since they are calm and concentrate in the period of matches, baseball fans, therefore, do enjoy baseball games and remain proud of the game compared soccer fans. Secondly, most soccer fans attend soccer matches since it is a routine and thus, provides a place to be. Instead of concentrating on the match, most of them move around, meet, and talk with other fans instead of focusing on the game (Hilaire 12). This means that soccer matches are entirely organized to act as a mingle venue whereby various people meet and spent part of their time despite the amount of money used to purchase the tickets as well as other resources used when in the stadium. Soccer

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Mid term essays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mid term essays - Essay Example There are many perspectives on this issue. But the answer to this question is rather simple. One issue with philosophy is that it has clouded many important debates in voluminous words and obscure theories. The books written on the subject are so difficult and confusing that they are not doing the good they must do to the society. The disparity between the understanding of a lay man and philosophy has harmed, in my opinion, the world. The answer is very simple. There is no point in this argument that a person has to be virtuous in order to perform a virtuous action. The first problem with this statement is that who and how this virtuous man will be defined. According to Aristotle a person is virtuous if he displays a moderate behavior that is a behavior that is between the two extremes (Bostock, 2000). He also believed that virtue is something that can only be learnt and one is not born a virtuous man. Without commenting on the Doctrine of Mean of Aristotle, I would like to agree with Aristotle on this part that virtue is acquired and is not something that a person enjoys from birth. The idea that virtue is learnt provides answer to our question. Virtue if learnt can be achieved by any person, and not just a virtuous person. Anyone can learn to become virtuous can in turn can perform a virtuous act. Even if a person has not acquired all the traits of a virtuous person, he can perform a virtuous action if he has learnt that particular virtuous behavior. We should understand this by an example. A person who has all the traits of a virtuous man in considered virtuous. Now if there is a person who has only some traits of a virtuous man, like he is honest and just, but not all traits of a virtuous man (he is not courageous) then he can perform virtuous (just and honest) acts. He may not be courageous but he can perform a virtuous act. If virtue is acquired and not granted by birth, then a person who is not courageous today can become courageous tomorrow. So

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Historical accounts Essay Example for Free

Historical accounts Essay Historical accounts that support the role of globalization in poverty reduction are observed especially during peace time and pro-globalization among countries. There is at least eighty percent of the world population that lived at an inflation-adjusted $1 per day at the onset of wartime in the early nineteenth century (Srinivasan and Wallack 2003). Half century by half century, this level is consistently lowered with drastic improvement in post-war period. However, up to this day, debates continued at the gates of international organizations such as WTO, WB, IMF, etc. Most of the protagonists are still in doubt not on how globalization contributed to economic growth but more importantly how it impacted the poor. These debates are inconsistent with historical accounts that proved globalization as solution to poverty. The impact of globalization on poverty is a matter of time to give way for trickle effects, institutional adjustments and change of perception on traditional beliefs. And so, in the long run, there are fewer questions about the benefits that poor may have from globalization. In this view, protagonists are highly concern on the distance between the deliveries of poverty effects of globalization to the grass root people which are normally the poor with economic growth serving as intermediary. They are primarily concern on how unequal the amount that is delivered and how unfair the delay of those amount. Thus, economic growth is criticized to prioritize the welfare of the well-off sector rather than the welfare of the poor. The preceding statement is especially true when the risks of well-off people are compared with the risks of the poor. The former have ease in searching for employment, has enough liquidity for the delay in the welfare delivery and thus in the position to be doubly happy. On the other hand, the latter is in reverse situation aggravated by subsistence living and exposure to physical hazards and capitalist exploitation making them in absolute despair by lengthy wait for delivery of minimal welfare. A good example is the inequitable income distribution. As industries expand business due to increasing inflow of direct and portfolio capital from abroad, well-off people are prioritized to jobs that are created due to formal education. If they are terminated or walk out of the office in their voluntary preference, they are still on-demand from expanding businesses. In contrast, the poor with little knowledge of how the sector works and little options would feel inferior and thus is willing to take whatever salary, conditions of work and other dictates of their employer. Both their mobility and freedom are taken away. There are several empirical studies that suggest globalization is pro-poor. Besley and Burgess (2003) found that there is a negative relationship between the poverty and income per capita. In monitoring GDP growth and poverty on a twenty-year frame from 1980 to 2000, Deaton (2001) concluded that economic growth is responsible to poverty reduction in India. China, which is referred to as an economic giant awaken by foreign direct investments, is quoted by Park and Wang (2001) to have drastically eradicated rural poverty since 1998. To evidence that the role of globalization is not only limited to income aspect, poor nations in Africa showed high levels of lowered poverty during the 1990s elevated by consequently addressing issues of mortality, education and AIDS epidemic. According to Besley and Burgess (2003), economic growth is only possible when three resources are present; namely, physical capital, human capital and technological change. This is illustrated in many ways. As the poor gain equal knowledge as the well-off, the former salary will increase and thus get both of them in equal footing in terms of income. As newer technologies primarily in agriculture increase the yield of the poor, their incomes as well as capitalist tendencies will simultaneously benefit. There is even a surplus harvest to attend their nutritional demands and less risk that a natural calamity will make this positive situation short-lived. As road infrastructure takes over the rural and farm areas, access to larger markets and faster economic activity will further improve the situation of the poor. These three sources of economic growth can be done minimally by the national and local government due to the vicious cycle of being a poor nation. With globalization, deficient funding will not be a hindrance to provide sources of economic growth due to inflow of capital. Accepting the argument that economic growth is indeed a good middleman to improve the welfare of the poor from globalization, the global community must have an average annual economic growth of 3. 8% by 2015 with lowest demand growth from Eastern Europe and Central Asia and highest demand growth from Sub-Saharan Africa (Besley and Burgess 2003). Eminent in the work of Srinivasan and Wallack (2003) is that globalization must be coupled with redistribution such as price support and public services to the poor. On the other hand, Besley and Burgess (2003) specifically defined their preference on the term redistribution through income distribution. They argued that the volatility of income distribution among developing countries is very minimal. Thus, the impact of globalization on the poor sector is loomed by increasing the average income of the population. In the study of Dollar and Kraay (2001), it is found that globalizing large economies of the developing world are characterized by large rise in trade and large fall in tariff barriers starting in 1980s. Economic growth compared to 1970s is higher for the following decade through 1990s. However, even with this figures, non-globalizing developing countries that are small did not gain the same success of their large economy counterparts. On the positive side, the welfare of the poor in respect to level of income is argued to have regression relevance with the level of trade. This study supported the role of globalization to poverty reduction and the effectiveness of economic growth to deliver the necessary benefits to industries, sectors and public at large. Still, the minority of small countries that may not have the sufficient market as well as institutional backbone to exploit large foreign capital inflows are hoping for the miracles of globalization. Conclusion Would I support Globalization in terms of growth? The answer is relative and as much as we would like to place straightforward answer we cannot. It is hard to generalize the behavior of developed countries towards transition economies. The overlapping issue is that the former is offering the latter with the chance to achieve the former economic status without going through historical hardships which can include war. This is an offer that is hard to give away especially that most governments of transition economies are administered by older people. In addition, inability to integrate relations to world affairs at least partially would make the transitional country weak against global shocks, external feud and addressing of internal objectives. To this view, globalization is for growth since it encourages transitional economies to join the globalization wave to improve national economy. On the flip side, it is rational for the leaders of transitional economies to make a well-prepared and if not rigid bilateral and multilateral agreements with trading partners. This is true especially when its internal resources are vulnerable to adverse spill-over effects of globalization. It is a conservative but helpful to view these treaties as anti-growth particularly on quality of life, history and well-being of the nation’s identity. Internal resources do not only include people, places and things but also intangible resources like ideologies and memories. Globalization serves as intervening if not modifying mechanisms to status quo of these components. As a result, to be able to protect the non-economic growth of several national treasures and resources, seeing globalization as anti-growth to internal well-being is valid. References Besley, Timothy J, Burgess, Robin (2003). Halving global poverty. Journal of economic perspectives, 17(3), 3-22. David Dollar, Aart Kraay (2004) Trade, Growth, and Poverty* The Economic Journal 114 (493), F22–F49 Deaton, Angus. (2001a), â€Å"Counting the World’s Poor’s Problems and Possible Solutions,† World Bank Research Observer, 16(2), 125-47. Park, A. and S. Wang (2001), â€Å"China’s Poverty Statistics,† China Economic Review, 23, 384-95. Srinivasan, T. N.? Wallack, J. S. ,â€Å"Globalization,Growthandthe Poor†,in De Economist, 152 (2), 2004, p. 251

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Pathology Of Crime Criminology Essay

The Pathology Of Crime Criminology Essay Pathology is the study of a particular subject- a disease. It is the diagnosis of an abnormality through careful examination of the constituents of the diseased body. When crime is considered to be a disease, an abnormality among humans, then, Pathology of crime can be called the study of crime; the psychological and general aspects of it, by careful examination of the various constituents and factors of crime such as- disruption of existing social norms and values, mental illness, stress, disorganization in society, anti social psychopathological mindsets, physical disorders etc. Through my paper on this subject, I hope to cover exhaustively all the social factors that affect society , crime in society and also understand and outline the lacunae between existing laws against crime, those geared towards the upliftment of society in general and the reality faced by us, the common man. I also aim to unearth some potentially comprehensive, pragmatic and useful ways to reduce crime rate on a whole and evaluate the effectiveness of traditional punishment. What is Crime? A purist legal view of crime is defined as a violation of a criminal law. Irrespective of the moral or social outrage or ethical wrongness of an act, it cannot be termed a crime unless it directly or indirectly is infringing upon a certain act passed. In this sense, crime becomes a sociopolitical event, rather than a clinical condition, a clinical or medical condition- which cannot be treated or diagnosed. In the words of Mr. Vernon Fox,1985. In this traditional outlook on crime, an Actus Reus a criminal act and a guilty intention- Mens Rea ; are the essential elements of a crime. But crime cannot be restricted in such a way solely to the acts defined. Criminologists must study the deviants-the criminals, as well as the socio cultural contexts that define them. A lot of learned people and scholars in the fields of Sociology, psychology, neurology as well as eminent jurists and law makers opine that every criminal act is the result of abnormal behavior of the individual concerned . This is where it becomes imperative for us to understand the pathology of crime. Hence the question, what exactly is pathology? Pathology and its relationship with crime Pathology can be defined as the scientific study and characterization of an anomaly/ disease/ abnormality in a certain field of interest. criminal pathologists, more commonly known as criminologists; deal with the study, structure, changes and functioning of a society on the basis of crimes and the interdependent relationship between crime and society. As in, how society at large is affected by various criminal deviant behavior, how values, mores, laws, folkways in turn keep changing or adjusting to the general consensus of society at large and how this in turn affects impressionable young minds towards deviant tendencies. An interesting trend to note would be the generality towards the acceptance of crime as an abnormality in society. This acceptance shows us that in a utopian environment, the concept of crime ceases to exist. This pathology shows us that we believe crime is essentially a perversion of human character, something that must be remedied or rectified ; Removed from the minds of those who practice it. We can relate the rationality behind that of a pathological criminal to that of a pathological/ compulsive liar. A pathological liar doesnt always know when he/she is lying. The lie becomes a part of his/her reality. This is due to certain mental problems. It has also been found that there are some anomalies in the structure of the brain of a pathological liar. It is wired differently compared to regular healthy brains. This throws light on the psychological aspects of crime. It could perhaps be curable one day.   These ideas led to the study of phrenology, in which brain size and shape were used to determine criminality.  There is an immediate and overwhelming need for more medical research on the subject. Contradicting views Durkheim actually states that crime should be seen as something functional and necessary for society rather than something pathological, and a symptom of a diseased society. He bases his argument on that fact that crime has been omnipresent ever since society came into existence. He says all societies, bar none, have experienced crime. Thus, according to him, crime seems to represent a condition of normality. He says a crime is a crime because it offends values, not because it is fundamentally wrong. He thinks crime strengthens a societies ideals and values because they are reaffirmed every time someone is prosecuted for a wrong doing. Of course, his views are not widely accepted and are opposed by many, due to the obvious gaping loop holes in his explanation. Crime is never a good thing and it doesnt strengthen a society. It reflects on the ethics and morals of the community, true; and it might be historically ingrained in our culture but that doesnt make it right. It is still something that can, and should be curbed. Thus, on the basis of lack of strong arguments stating otherwise, we can assume crime is inherently a pathological condition. Factors responsible for crime. The most basic question that comes to mind when discussing the criminology or pathological aspects of crime would be the one that points to the grass root level of it all. Why does crime exist? What leads people to participate in such ethically and morally wrong deeds, and go about abusing the very values they grew up with? Psychological conditions. Environment Social disorganization Lack of education Lack of a strong support system social change/ Evolution- Regression. Negative liberalization Economic Fluctuations Dissolution of religious, marriage and family institutions No conformity towards social norms, morals. Changing status of certain sects of society Dissociative social processes and conflicts Lack of empathy and personal ethics. Effect of mass media The aforementioned reasons are some of the main factors for the reason crime exists. Tackling the growing phenomenon of crime can only be done by first taking care of the economic, social and psychological issues related to cause spikes in crime. We have to understand that the majority of socialization processes are completed by the family, in the primary stage. If the process of sociality is done right, with the family stressing on the inculcation of the right values, norms, culture and liberal thinking, the base for a healthy society can be accomplished. For this, it is essential for families to be tight knit and functional. The environment given to the children has to project safety. When there is an absence of a healthy environment and a family system, it has been statistically proven that there is an increase in the risk for delinquency. Most crimes can be averted when the simple differentiation between rights and wrongs, and human empathy are clarified and made extremely clear. When there is a fear of a higher authority which projects absolute morals and strict punishment for those who break this code of morality, there is a reduction in the occurrence of crime. Thus, religion, though borderline irrational, plays an important role in curbing crime; when interpreted the right way. Trends In Crime Age and crime Crime rate generally declines with progress in age. Most offenders caught come under the age bracket of 16-25. Experts say the age-crime curve probably reflects decreasing parental controls, a peaking of peer influence in the teenage years, and then increasing family and community controls with age. Sex and crime Of all the demographic variables present, gender seems to be the most muddled. Most offenses are predominantly done by males, save those of flesh trade. More than 83% of todays heinous crimes are committed by males. But the fairer sex seems to be proclaiming equality in this field, too. A lot of petty crimes, traffic violations and other minor crimes are slowly becoming the female domain of crime. Attached next is a graph, to illustrate both. arrests_by_age_sex.jpg Social class and crime A vast majority of those arrested or labeled as a criminal belong to the lower strata of society. Though some scholars say that the official data shows this only because those belonging to the higher classes can usually get away with crime by bribing or gaining favors from the authority figures, there has been a rise in white collar crimes and the like, which may soon even out the curve. Minority groups/ Race / Regionality and crime. People belonging to the minority groups and less dominant races or those who belong to other regions (those who migrate in search of better living conditions, work etc) usually belong to the poorer sections of society. This, coupled with the fact that the adults in the family are too busy eking out a living to take care of the education and moral well being of their wards ,could have a direct effect on the fact that a lot of miscreants and criminal offenders belong these backgrounds. Also, there is an underlying contempt towards the privileged lot because racial profiling and discrimination is rampant. This in turn creates conflict between the two groups and might provoke the poorer sections to target the privileged lot. These various trends in crime help us understand the societal approach to it and the group consensus. Targeted treatment can be done. Typology of Crime Criminal typologies are ways to try and classify types of crime and criminals. It can be based on various criteria like : Type of offence committed. Reaction of society towards said crime. What the law and legislatures state. Criminal career of the offender etc. There have been many attempts made to classify criminals under one binding system but no such efforts have paid off till date. For example, Schafers LIFE TREND typology of criminals (1982) is as follows- Occasional criminals Professional criminals Abnormal criminals Habitual criminals Convictional criminals Though seemingly comprehensive enough, this typology was rejected, just like many before because it did not completely classify every criminal type. The very science of typology has been under heavy criticism because Specific offenses vary with time and place. some offenders participate in more than one type of crime Most offenses are usually inter linked and cannot be over simplified by trying to make them seem more distinct than they are. No single typology is useful to group all offenders. But the typology of Criminal behavior systems is still widely taken into consideration. It is as follows- Violent personal crime occasional property crime occupational crime corporate crime political crime public order crime conventional crime organized crime Professional crime This kind of typology is done on the basis of behavior and type of crime committed, for making the legislative and judiciary process easier, by simplifying the classification. Figure3.1 Use of Typologies in CJS-Final.jpg Some of the most jarring and convoluted crimes ever recorded in History occurred sometime over the past century. Gruesome murders, violent rape and assault charges, extortion, art crimes and media copy cat crimes have been the rage. THE TATE-LABIANCA MURDERS, 1969 ; THE LANA TURNER AFFAIR, 1958 ;   THE BRINKS JOB, 1950 ; THE BLACK DAHLIA, 1947 ; THE MONA LISA, 1911; THE LINDBERGH KIDNAPPING; THE  Lufthansa heist etc are all globally famous crimes that literally shocked people. To know that fellow humans were capable of such monstrosities wasnt a comforting thought. The recent jimmy saville case is also terrifying, in many ways. But there has been a steady decline in violent crime, globally. Though experts are baffled for the reason behind this, a lot of criminologists think it has something to do with growing awareness and simple precautionary methods being cultivated in day to day life. There is actually research to support this claim. Apparently more than 40% of crimes in a society are the product of easy opportunity. In india, a sizeable number of crime results from the easy opportunity and due to lack of effective thinking on crime prevention. LEGISLATURES AND ACTS IN INDIA , RELATING TO CRIME. THE CHILD MARRIAGE RESTRAINT ACT, 1929 By this act, people above 21 who wish to marry a person below 18 or those who aid and solemnize this marriage are liable for punishment . (Imprisonment for more than 3 months and fine). The Protection Of Women From Domestic Violence Act, 2005 The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 The Juvenile Justice Act, 2000 Under this act, juvenile offenders (those under 18 years of age) are rehabilitated and protected. Reformation in the main criteria. Prevention Of Terrorism Act 2002 Though there are a myriad of such laws, legislations, acts being passed frequently, there is still a gaping bridge between them being recognized and being implemented efficiently. Laws made for the welfare of the people or certain sections of the society are highly misused or taken advantage of by people with dishonest intentions, thus making it unapproachable for those in real need of it. A GLARING EXAMPLE. Upliftment and protection of women has always been on the agenda for our law makers. There have been copious changes in existing legislations and acts being passed in various sections for the same. Art 15(A) (e) To renounce practices derogatory to women or their dignity. 304 B IPC Dowry harassment and death. 312-318 IPC Causing miscarriage and abortion; without consent. 359-374 IPC Kidnapping ad abduction 375-376 (D) IPC Sexual offences 497 IPC Adultery 494 IPC Bigamy 453 IPC Cohabitation by manipulation /deceit The prevention of sati act 1829 Hindu widow remarriage act 1856 Immoral traffic prevention act 1956 These are very few of the exhaustive list available. But we do not see most of these laws reaching their desired objective. Preventive Measures, Punishments. The problem of crime is a socially constructed problem. Its about socio economic status and criminal victimization, in most cases. Richer households are more likely to be victims of some crimes , such as crimes against property, trespass etc. Poorer households are more likely to be victims of serious intrusive crime such as burglary, mugging and domestic violence. Statistics also confirm that minority ethnic groups are also victimized more than regular people. Same goes for young people, whose chances of being physically molested, mobbed, assaulted etc decrease with increase in age. By understanding these demographics and applying the theory of crime of opportunity, there is a concept of Situational Crime prevention. What is situational crime prevention? Making changes to buildings and streets to make them safer Asking the police for help Using common sense to stop criminals Using neighbors to look out for crime Working with people from different agencies By being practical, smart, resourceful and keeping a vigilant eye on our surroundings, this theory claims to be able to reduce upto 50% of the crimes. ( Youth and crime Four million people use illicit drugs each year, of which about 56% are aged 16-24. Most offenders who use drugs commit crimes to finance their drug use. Police crackdowns on dealers and users have had no impact on drug availability or levels of crime. Hence, appropriate drug treatment, psychological help and efficient rehabilitation programs must be made available. PUNISHMENT- History. The concept of crime and penalties and jurisdiction evolved as society civilized over centuries. They were originally considered to be private affairs. The offended party had to seek compensation or private revenge. Later, offenses were only against the king and later yet, the subjects. When compensation developed, fines were levied on behalf of the king (state), thus making the state the wronged party, much like what it is today. The intentions behind imposing penalties to compensate the wronged parties, though honorable, does not serve its purpose. People cannot restore lost dignity, respect or honor by providing monetary compensation to the victims. Though it may help some of them start over in life. what about the wretched families of the wrong doer, who have to bequeath their possessions and requirements in life to pay for a mistake they didnt even make. And the very concept of imprisonment also does not really make much sense to a forward rational thinker. Paraphrasing one of them, There is a logical contradiction at the heart of the idea (imprisonment) which is that, you are taking people away from society, away from the law-abiding world, and away from all the influences of people who keep the norm, and putting them in a place where they will only be mixing with people who have broken the norm and then expecting that some good will come out of it. I think, the evidence accumulated over many years is that, what you create is a lawless society.   Criminals /Delinquents should not be treated as evil. Psychoanalytic Theory :  The psychoanalytic theory, rather than seeking the causes in biological processes or anomalies, attempts to look into the mind of the individual. According to Friedlander, classical Freudian psychoanalytic explanations of delinquency focus on abnormalities or disturbances in the individuals emotional development from early childhood. The id is the unconscious seat of all irrational, antisocial and instinctual impulses, which must be controlled and shaped for successful adaptation to life within a society. This is done through the development of the ego, or the conscious and the rational part of the mind and through the superego, or the conscience, which serves as the moralizing part of the mind. The basic premise of his approach to crime is that, delinquent or criminal behaviour is, by itself, unimportant. It is only a symptom of the psychic conflict between the id, ego and the superego arising from abnormal maturation or control of instincts.   The treatment and policy implications of psychoanalytic theory are direct and obvious. Criminals and delinquent offenders should be treated, not as evil but as sick persons, who can basically, not be held responsible for their actions in any rational or controllable sense. Therefore, punishment of offenders will remain largely ineffective and will only provoke more guilt and unhealthy psychological reactions.  # # Kate Friedlander, 1947.   Emile Durkheim.   CONCLUSION

Thursday, September 19, 2019

What makes a good website :: essays research papers

What makes a good website?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Introduction In my opinion what makes a good web page? I have been on the net for the last, can’t really believe it, coming to ten years now. From the conception to now, I have been a regular surfer on the web, visiting thousands of pages a month, mostly in search of some thing or another. Most searches have lead to even more searches but some times I come up tops. Having been used to the all text sites of the beginning, and seeing the first implementations of more graphic based sites, there was a three-year lapse where I rarely got to surfing and missed a whole evolution in web page. When I returned in full to surfing, I discovered the face of the internet have started to change. Buttons with pictures, navigation systems, some that even worked, all and all better thought out sites that where pleasing to look at and better to work with. This was probably due to the introduction of java script and more complex versions of html. Before then what made a sight good or bad, for me, was more bas ed on contents. As this change came to be my expectations of sites changed as well. When, at first, we where happy to have hyperlinked, underlined blue text, now we expect to have a good, easy to use, constant navigation system. Where bad resolution bitmaps where the norm, now we want smooth animated graphics. The way we use the internet have changed with the advances in technology, so changing our expectations and creating a whole new set of problems for anyone, from the big spenders to backroom designers, how to get our attention and how to keep us coming back. First impressions: The first thing that I look for in a web site is definitely something to draw my attention. I am not picky, but it normally comes in the style of some sort of graphic. Will it be the company logo, background image, or even just the colour used in the background, any of them can make me take a second look and so giving the designer a chance to get me into the rest of the site. The newer sites these days come with splash pages, advertising to you what you can expect on the inside, but like all advertising can become its own undoing by either chasing you away in the first place or misrepresenting what you are going to find there.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Alice Walkers The Flowers Essay -- English Literature Walker Flowers

Alice Walker's The Flowers 'The Flowers' is a short story written by Alice Walker. Walker is a black American writer, who is renown around the world, especially because of the ?book, turned movie? The Colour purple. Walker is extremely interested in the history of human rights, particularly the history of black women in the United States. Her writings often reflect this interest and they usually have dual meanings. Walker interpretates struggles of black women in her books, and The Flowers is no exception. It is about the end of innocence, of a young black child living in the 1930s. It reflects the unfairness of life, and the circumstances of the black people during that period in time. ?The Flowers? is about a girl named Myop, she is from an agricultural background (as most black Americans were in the 1930s). She is described as carefree and innocent. ? It seemed to Myop as she skipped lightly from hen house to pigpen?they days had never been as beautiful as these?. This suggests she is young and holds no major responsibilities, there are also connotations of lower class roots. The story goes on to describe her mini- travels throughout the fields, picking flowers and singing songs. This suggests the innocence she possesses as a young child. ? She was ten, and nothing existed for her but her song?. This openly tells the reader her young age, thus her lack of responsibility, which allowed her to skip around the fields aimlessly. The structure of the short story is basic. Each paragraph is more or less six lines long. It is set out in traditional short story style, each part coming in short bursts. The layout of the text makes it easier to read, and interpretate. It allows the story to ?f... ...e and purity within Myop. The wild pink flower used towards the end is used as symbolism. ? Very near where she?d stepped into the head was a wild pink rose.? The flower was a type of metaphor type factor, it symbolized the young and innocent Myop in the midst of a cold world full of brutal truths. Elements of weather is used to foreshadow what is coming. This was an effective tool which set the mood of the coming paragraphs. Walker also uses ongoing themes of racism, culture and struggle throughout the story, which is present in many of her writings. Alice Walker?s writing is beautifully written, and urges the reader to read between the lines. There is a theme of duality throughout, which is tactfully used. ?The Flowers? is a thought provoking story which highlights the struggles of black women that lived in the U.S.A during the 30s and onwards.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Hybrid Vehicles Vs. Electric Vehicles Essay -- null

In this day and age, our world is being consumed by the rapid growth of the world’s population. From the beginnings of time with cave men thousands of years ago up until the Industrial Revolution, the number of people living on this planet never passed a billion, and was always growing at a slow pace. When the Industrial Revolution hit the population skyrocketed to over 7 billion people. The growth of population has not slowed down since then, and more technological advances are popping up everyday to help balance the rapid growth. The amount of people in the world is literally growing each and every day. As the population grows we put more demands on our planet to provide for the billions and billions of people inhabiting it. The world cannot change to provide for these large populations and huge demands, so we must start being more efficient to sustain ourselves. This means doing everything we can from producing food more efficiently to mining materials in a smarter and bet ter way. If we are not able to make simple changes to become more efficient we will over use our planet’s resources and create drastic issues in the future. One way people have been trying to cut back and be more efficient is through a recent technological development in the car industry. New vehicles have been created with more efficient uses of earth’s resources such as ultra-low emission vehicles (ULEV) like hybrids, and zero emission vehicles (ZEV) like hydrogen fuel cell electrics. Major breakthroughs and development of these new generation of vehicles has immensely grown in the past twenty years. When the internal combustion engine was invented, there were a lot fewer people inhabiting the earth, oil supplies were seemingly endless, and air quality wa... ...p., 9 Apr. 2013. Web. 1 Apr. 2014 Buchanan, Mike. "$20 Million Investment To Create More Cost Effective EV Battery." Inside EVs. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2014. Donald L. Anglin, "Electric vehicle," in AccessScience,  ©McGraw-Hill Companies, 2008, "" Vehicle Technologies Office. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr. 2014. Gilles, Tom. â€Å"Hybrid Vehicles.† Automotive Service. 4rd ed. Clifton Park: Delmar Cengage Learning, 2008. Print. "Providence Journal Environment Reporter Peter Lord, 60, Dies; Service Set."ReNewable Now: April 2012. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr. 2014. Robert Farrington, Jeffrey Gonder, "Hybrid automotive power systems," in AccessScience,  ©McGraw-Hill Companies, 2008 Sharifi, Jim. "Auto Repair Costs Are on the Rise." Best Cars, Best Trucks and Best SUVs from U.S. News. U.S. News, 9 Apr. 2013. Web. 3 Apr. 2014.

Enders Game Essay

Human beings are free except when humanity needs them. Maybe humanity needs you. To do something. Maybe humanity needs me—to find out what you’re good for. We might both do despicable things, Ender, but if humankind survives, then we were good tools.† Graff is explaining to Ender the philosophy behind everything they are doing. Although Ender does not know it at the time, this is the same reasoning that the adults will use to manipulate the children time and time again. Ender objects to this idea, because he believes that people are more than just tools, but nevertheless it is the pervading ideology of the I.F. throughout the book. This philosophy justifies doing terrible things in the name of humanity, and it also means that individuals will have to make awful sacrifices for their species. â€Å"In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him. I think it’s impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves.† Ender is telling Valentine why he hates himself. He is able to understand his enemies better than anyone else, but once he understands them he destroys them. With such tremendous empathy, even in coming to understand his worst enemies Ender loves them. This means that when he crushes them he is hurting himself in the process. Ender does not want to have enemies, so that he will not be forced to hurt anybody. He will love even those who seem to be his most bitter enemies when he properly understands them. But in the situations Ender has been in he has no choice other than destroying those enemies. At the end of the book, when Ender comes to truly understand the buggers, he is able to try to help them. He has already done them great harm, but now he can be happy because he has a chance to undo what he did to them. â€Å"So the whole war is because we can’t talk to each other.† â€Å"If the other fellow can’t tell you his story, you can never be sure he isn’t trying to kill you.† â€Å"What if we just left them alone?† â€Å"Ender, we didn’t go to them first, they came to us. If they were going to leave us alone, they could have done it a hundred years ago, before the First Invasion.† â€Å"Maybe they didn’t know we were intelligent life. Maybe—† This conversation occurs when Graff tells Ender his theory of why they are at war with the buggers. Graff tells Ender that since the buggers communicate through thought, they probably cannot understand that humans are thinking beings. Ender therefore wants to know why this cannot be remedied.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Theories from the Movie of Confessions of a Shopaholic

Instances with cultural dimension are everywhere. The very normal everyday affairs that relate to cultural field could intricately stand on behalf of, or are shaped by, wider social and cultural forces (Miller, McHoul, 1). For instance, in the movie of Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009), fashion as a significant element, including the appearances of projection, consumption and aesthetics, as well as the status of upper class, determines self-identity and expresses one’s personality and discourses. This essay will first briefly introduce the movie, followed by defining and elaborating two theories. Subsequently, two of the movie clips deemed as culture examples, each exemplifying the key notions from two scholars will be analyzed. Ultimately the essay would draw the conclusion with cultural lead ideas. According to the introduction of Metacritic (2009), the movie of Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009) mainly describes a girl named Rebecca Bloomwood who is absolutely a shopaholic. In order to achieve the dream of working for her beloved fashion magazine, she snags a job of being an economic columnist for a financial magazine, which is published by the same company. Ironically, she guides people to effectively manage money on the one hand and has loads of debts to pay off on the other hand. She has to make up lies to evade creditor’s tracking. Eventually, the comedy ends with Rebecca turning over a new leaf and celebrating both career and love after harsh introspection and self-reflection. The movie of Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009) is occupied by fashion, glamour and shopping. This refers a person with a compulsive desire to shop. This movie lightly involved gender bias and stereotypes with the terms. For instance, women who love buying are called â€Å"shopaholics†. While, occasionally, men are called â€Å"collectors† which have the same situation as women. However, the movie principally illustrates people’s desire for consumption and self-expression through styling and taste, which will be detailed by theories as following. In the movie, the view of simplified consumption is widely and reasonably acknowledged. Shopping, an approach of leisure and consuming time, offers people happiness and enjoyment. Due to the reports and evidences from Carlson (2008), it can be powerfully argued that people consume for the sake of consuming in real life. The Polish sociologist, Zygmunt Bauman (1925- ) illustrates the modern consuming in the theory of â€Å"consuming life†, based on his theory of consumerism and liquid modernity. With the heuristics understanding of consumers and â€Å"consuming life†, he discovered three ideal categories, namely consumerism, the society of consumers, and consumer culture, to demonstrate consumers as a part of the society as well as the possible relationships among them. (Patterson 4). Bauman chiefly addresses consumerism about the subjectivity of individual consumers and states the motivated role of the unfulfilled desires and unsatisfied needs. As for the second ideal type, Bauman argues the inevitable relationship between individuals and the world. In addition, ‘salability’ is coined to define the cause of social membership raised by individual’s consumption. The third ideal type, notably consumer culture, is claimed to â€Å"moves to a mes-olevel discussion of the social networks and interactions that exist within liquid modernity. †(ibid. ) In Bauman’s theory, people are believed live in the postmodern consumer society and consumption is increasing in volume. Consumer’s satisfaction is instant and delayed. As the report of Miller (33), at the moment of purchase, women are hardly satisfied in situations of purchase. The satisfaction brought by consumed goods is limited and short-term, the length of which normally should be reduced to bare minimum. However, Bauman (17) argues that the impatient, impetuous, and restive consumption would be more likely and much easier to fade off and lose interests as well, which reverses the traditional relationship between satisfactions and instant needs. At the beginning of the movie, Rebecca Bloomwood, who already has a debt of $900, is still fascinated by the green scarf that she does not really need. Finally she buys it due to her immediate desire even it is not necessary. Throughout the movie, there are numerous scenes in which she regrets for her impetuous perchance. â€Å"Do we really need another chair? † as David Report asked. They claim that things that are not really necessary cram people’s homes and people purchase them because of imputation and short time self-satisfaction (Carlson 4). Moreover, Bauman clarifies ‘consumer game’ as the excitement of sensation, which excludes the greediness of obtainment as well as the tangible sense without wealth. Consumers ought to consume rationally and in control. Desire, is regarded could be reproduce by itself, and has self-perpetuating motive. As Mark C. Taylor and Esa Saarinen once said, â€Å"Desire does not desire satisfaction. To the contrary, desire desires desire. † (Bauman 5). The movie of Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009) presents numerous and various scenes of fashion judgments. For instance, one of the clips depicts the astonishment of Rebecca, who discovers the illustrious background of her boss, whom she thought was nonentity and nobody. When asked why wearing these low-priced clothes, he answers that he does not want to be labeled by his clothes and the appearance, which says the underlying tastes and sense of fashion. Pierre Bourdieu (1990-2002), who was born in an out-of-the-way corner of southwest France, illustrates and clarifies these situations with the conception of †habitus† and the class taste. In his youth, He was cultivated in philosophy. However, after the experience of participation of the Algerian War, he transformed to be a social scientist. Nevertheless he had philosophic logic and accuracy (Grass 1) as well. In Bourdieu theory, drawn from a long-term scientific observation, cultural needs are demonstrated to be the product of upbringing and education. Cultural practices, including literature, painting or music, are closely attached to the educational level and subsequently to social origin. According to both the influence from the strongest ‘extra-curricular’ culture and the extent of the cultural practices, which are recognized by the educational system, the background and formal education could change. Therefore the manner of tastes and ‘class’ forms within the discourses as well as structures (Bourdieu 2). The different lifestyles associated with them (Wacquant 7) could be understood as the approach to categorizing and distinguishing people. In addition, the theory shows how individuals characterize and reversely define themselves to others. For instance, the upper class makes adjudication based on the mannerisms, interests and tastes (Bourdieu 2). Habitus, meaning the way that the body is shaped by discourses as well as the environment, is clearly visible through taste. Through the process of which people recognize, judge, and operate in the world, habitus successfully assigns the system of ispositions, which is shared by countless people who have similar experiences and ideas. Habitus, the mediation between both the past and present stimuli, is socially structured and is simultaneously structuring the society. The reason for Bourdieu’s exemplification of the â€Å"unchosen principle of all choices,† as well as â€Å"the product of structure, producer of practice, and reproducer of structure† to hibitus is that it provides form and unity to a range of activities of an individual by crossing the separate spheres of life. Moreover, habitus is a principle of both social continuity and discontinuity. It is social continuity because of its ability to store social forces in individuals and transport them across time and space. Furthermore, It is discontinuity in that it could â€Å"be modified through the acquisition of new dispositions and the reason† that â€Å"it can trigger innovation whenever it encounters a social setting discrepant with the setting from which it issues†. Wacquant 7). All in all, the comedy of Confessions of A Shopaholic (2009) could be intensely analyzed by culture theories. After the briefly introduction of the movie, Bauman’s theory was introduced to illustrate the conception of consumption. Moreover, the three ideal categories detail the conception and the hypothesis of satisfaction of desire, suggesting the impetuous purchase would fade off yet the desire never would. Subsequently, Bourdieu’s theory of taste classifies and categorizes people with respect to taste and education. The dissimilar manners are closely linked to the dissimilar positions in social factor, which possibly bound up with the systems of habitus of the different classes (Bourdieu 2). In fact, despite the fact that the cultural studies about â€Å"desire† as well as â€Å"habitus† has been already made progresses, it is obvious and plain that they would still be discussed and argued within a long period of time.Reference

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Improved writing Essay

Probable Solutions: Reassign executives and match with the members Others to provide assistance whenever necessary Retrench one of the employees since two of eight executives have full-time administrative assistants anyway and only six are actually being serviced Benefits: To the employees †¢ Manageable and productive work To the company †¢ Cost savings To the supervisor †¢ Productivity improvement †¢ Less stressful †¢ Deadlines more likely to be met Draft My office provides secretarial support for the eight members of the executive team. Currently, their assignment is as follows: †¢ Jack Snieder is assigned to Ralph Cajun and Jessica Hilo †¢ Rachel King is assigned to Melanie Razor and David Thomson †¢ Bonnie Disselkoen is assigned to Samuel Daily and Frank Daily †¢ Molly Smakowski is assigned to Larry Miller and Victor Potack However, I have noticed that Jack and Rachel frequently have nothing to do, while Bonnie and Molly usually require overtime hours at least twice a month. Upon delving further, I learned that Melanie Razor and Jessica Hilo share a full-time administrative assistant who completes most of their secretarial work. On the other hand, Samuel and Frank Daily have no administrative assistant while Larry Miller’s assistant works only 15 hours a week. From this alone, we can already see a disparity in work assignments causing two of my team members to be overworked while the other two are underworked. For the former two, this could lead to stress and fatigue while for the latter two, work for them might lose its value since they have settled into boredom and lack of challenge. Moreover, the company is unnecessarily paying overtime costs. The best solution that I can see to this problem is to reassign the executives to a different member of the team. This way, the work load would be better distributed among the team members. There are no indications that the pairings of executives have anything to do with any common requirements. It may be that they were merely randomly assigned without making a careful study of the workload each executive would be giving. While present assignments can be maintained and just require the other members to assist when the other is loaded with work, this is not as good a solution because the sense of ownership will not be there. They will not have the proper motivation to turn out a good work when they will not get full credit. Another idea is retrenching one of the employees since two of eight executives have full-time administrative assistants anyway and only six are actually being serviced. This is not possible since not only would it lower morale even further, we are still unsure how much work load is given by the other six executives. If such a solution proves to be effective, this will impact a lot of factors. We will be seeing an increase in individual productivity. Each member of the team will get a boost in their morale for doing manageable work that is equally distributed. Work will be better organized and the capability of each team member will be fully tapped. This will also mean savings to the company since overtime costs will be lessened or even totally eliminated. This would affect the Supervisor’s work as well since the personnel will now be self-sufficient and self-motivated, she will have more time to focus on other administrative work. There will be less stress and deadlines are more likely to be met. MEMORANDUM To : Liz Jakowski From : My Name. Date : 02 February 2008 Subject : Productivity Improvement Currently, my office provides secretarial support for the eight members of the executive team. Their assignment is as follows: †¢ Jack Snieder is assigned to Ralph Cajun and Jessica Hilo †¢ Rachel King is assigned to Melanie Razor and David Thomson †¢ Bonnie Disselkoen is assigned to Samuel Daily and Frank Daily †¢ Molly Smakowski is assigned to Larry Miller and Victor Potack However, I have noticed that Jack and Rachel frequently have nothing to do, while Bonnie and Molly usually require overtime hours at least twice a month. Upon delving further, I learned that Melanie Razor and Jessica Hilo share a full-time administrative assistant who completes most of their secretarial work. Thus, this frees up a lot of Jack and Rachel’s time. On the other hand, Samuel and Frank Daily have no administrative assistant and are fully dependent on Bonnie while Larry Miller’s assistant works only 15 hours a week which also does not give Molly that much free time. It is apparent that there is a disparity in work assignments and work loads causing two of my team members to be overworked while the other two are under worked. This unevenness in work distribution could lead to stress and fatigue for the former two. For the latter two, there is the possibility that work for them might lose its value since they are slowly settling into a state of lethargy due to lack of a challenge. Such disparity also costs the company a lot of money in overtime costs which has to be paid to Bonnie and Molly if they are to meet the deadline imposed by the executives. I have worked my way up from a mere clerk and, until three moths ago, into an office manager. I have actual experience and exposure to what each of my staff are experiencing now. This work imbalance is certain to be taking a toll on their morale and motivation. I am, therefore, confident to recommend that we reassign the executives to a different secretarial support. This way, the work load would be better distributed among the team members. There are no indications that the pairings of executives have anything to do with any common requirements, that they cannot be separated and reassigned. It may be that they were merely randomly assigned without making a careful study of the workload each executive would be giving. Hence, I foresee that there should be no problems with regard to the executive’s preference as there may be none. It has been considered to retain present assignments and just require the other members to assist when the others seem to be loaded with work. This is not an efficient solution because of several reasons such as the sense of ownership will not be there. They will not have the proper motivation to turn out a good work when they will not get full credit. It is also a burden administratively since the supervisor would constantly have to go around and assess the work load of each individual at that particular moment. Retrenching a member of the team was also considered since there are two executives who had full-time administrative assistants anyway. This, however, cannot and will not be endorsed as this would lower morale even further and there’s the danger of losing the trust and cooperation of the team, which at this time of management changes, is an important factor. Moreover, we are still not entirely sure of the workload of the six other executives and to cut head now may be too premature. Hence, reassignment would be the best option and the proposal is as follows: †¢ Jack is assigned Ralph Cajun and Larry Miller †¢ Rachel is assigned Samuel Daily and Melanie Razor †¢ Bonnie is assigned Frank Daily and Jessica Hilo †¢ Molly is assigned David Thomson and Victor Potack This reassignment aims to address disproportionate work distribution. It is anticipated that with the work load relatively evenly distributed, we will be seeing an increase in individual productivity. Each member of the team will get a boost in their morale for doing work that is manageable. The tasks can be better organized and the capability of each team member can be explored, fully tapped and optimized. For the company, this would translate into savings on overtime costs. This would impact the Supervisor’s work, as well, such that close monitoring would no longer be as necessary as before since the staff will be self-sufficient and self-motivated. This will allow for more time to focus on other managerial and administrative work. There will be less stress as deadlines are more likely to be met. I hope that my proposal will be met with your favorable consideration.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Breaking the Law

Nowadays people think rules is not something important in their life and they are not following the rules even they break the rules. For them, they can do whatever they wanted in this world because they think this world is belong to them. Their bad behaviors distract people from having a peaceful life. Addition, violence in this world getting increases and because of that, they cause a lot of trouble in mean time. There three main causes of breaking the rules and law. One of the main causes is selfishness. The selfish behavior exists because of desire. They do what they wanted. They think with their feet and not their mind. Why I am saying like this? This is because they break the traffic light rules. For example, right now is a red light and we are supposes to stop the car wait for the next green light but because of selfish behavior. They break the rules and take their risk to do whatever they wanted. Because of this, it may create a disaster, an accident or perhaps, could kill someone because of this behavior. There is more, they drive in their own way or road. For example, this road is one way road but they turn it into two ways road. The impact of overcoming accident is heavy and it is totally a big disaster. It not only could jam the highway but at the same time, they could kill hundreds of innocent people. â€Å"You intent to go into the right lane and then the traffic light ahead. But the vehicle in front of you has stopped right in front of you. And it’s a yellow box. Such selfish drivers do certainly spoil your day. † (Yap 2010) Second main cause is lack of police and their behavior. In Malaysia, we are lack of policeman and there is a plenty of chances for them to break the rules. I would like to compare with the Singapore and American. In Singapore, their policeman work hard to protect the country and civilians. In American, policeman salary is a big amount of dollars. Because of that, there are a lot of people wanted to be a policeman. But in Malaysia, policeman salary is too low and because of that, policemen do not work hard to protect the country and people. There is another reason, the reason is their behavior. Most of the policemen are lazy to do their work. This is because they need to repeat the same duty every day. But that is not the reason, some of them, they use the power to do bad thing. For example, spot-check on girls by male policeman. They take opportunity to do their pervert stuff on them. Motorcycles are meant to ferry only two people. Although the law is silent, police do not fancy arresting riders who break the law by placing a young rider in the front basket of the motorcycle. † (Yap 2010) Third main cause is deregulation. In Malaysia, people are easy to break the rules because it is too loose. Besides that, governments do not take serious in this matter. In Malay sia, they just wanted to have the power in this country. Once they get it, they do not use the power to take care the country or even protect it. They use the power for their self and they do not even look at their people. The country may be in a good place but the civil do not like the place with a lot of trouble and violations. At the same time, Malaysian government’s promises are not been fulfill. â€Å"According to a report on Thursday by online news portal MalaysiaKini, the MCMC chief operating officer, Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi, confirmed that the commission was behind the site blackout. †It is being blocked because we found that some of the comments on the Web site were insensitive, bordering on incitement. † (Lee 2008) In conclusion, government should take this matter seriously or citizen may lose trust on them and they could not live in a peaceful life. Day by day, crimes getting increase and a lot of trouble going to be exist. Police should do something about it because it is getting worst. They should firm the rules so that people will obey and follow the rules in a right way. At the same time, they must get back the royalty and the trustworthy of citizen. The Malaysia is break into pieces and governments should fix it and get it into shape back before citizen take advantage. However, government brain should be wash and be like Dato’ Mahathir. They way he talks with the citizens love them, and handle the Malaysia is perfect. Perfect enough to make Malaysia in a better way. As result, citizen may have a peaceful and a great time in Malaysia. At the same time, crimes getting decrease and Malaysia live in peace. â€Å"We live peacefully alongside one another, and we are very proud of it. You find Muslims, Christians of all denominations — Catholics, Protestants — we have a lot of Hindus, Buddhists. We also have a lot of people who don't believe in anything but themselves or anyone but themselves, living harmoniously together. I think that is something the world can learn from. † (Leslie Evans 2003)

Friday, September 13, 2019

Memo Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 10

Memo - Assignment Example Most of the times the clients do not know the technicalities involved in ones job. Clients expect the job to be completed in high standards. In the case of side tracks from schedule, the professional should assure the customer that all is well and avoid mentioning the main course of side track. The information relayed should be well organized and to the point. The client only needs the crucial part of the communication and not the details of the delay. This helps save the image of the company. The communication, format, plays a big role and helps portray the professional image of the company (Baugh 45). Company logo is important on the memo to assure trust - A memo to the customer is written on behalf of the company and should portray the company logo. This assures the confidence of the client in the company and increases his trust in the communicated message. Visual aids such as font sizes and color are critical for an official communication. They help to emphasize the information relayed. The memo is an official document, the recommended font size is twelve block style. This emphasizes on the fact that it is an official document (Mathur

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Analysis essay about parental expectations Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysis about parental expectations - Essay Example wise, as parental expectations play an essentially vital role in the performance of a child, ridiculously high expectations can result in their failure while low expectations can lead to under confidence. Maintaining too high expectations can also result in social anxiety, stress, depression and many other forms of mental illnesses. Every child has a different learning pace; it could be fast for some while it comes slower to others. Some children may be self sufficient while others could need help guidance and tutoring. It is an accepted fact that every child has a unique learning pace which can be molded and improved with encouragement. This suggests that the same amount expectations cannot be held with every child. That said, parental involvement does make for overall better performance in children than in the case of those whose parents are less involved. Although there are many sides to parenting, studies show that the greatest influence is cast by a single aspect, parental expectations, according to the Harvard Family Research Project (Harvard 2014). In order to provide a child with a healthy home environment, it is essential to love him unconditionally, irrespective of whether or not he is the brightest of the lot. Now the thing that gets in the way of this unconditional love is our sky high expectations (Hudson 2014). An explanation for why parental expectations are so affective on children is that they see themselves, for most of their childhood and even beyond, through their parents’ eyes. Consequently, if a parent believes his child can be a top-dog, that’s what his child will perceive himself to be. On the other hand, if a child has been exposed to derogatory aura at home, he is most likely to accept failure without really trying at all. Similarly, having far greater expectations from your child than his obvious abilities is like expecting a chicken to swim or a cat to fly. The key here is for parents to analyze the situation their child is in

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Corporations Production Target Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Corporations Production Target - Assignment Example In line with the purpose of this memo, the beer making process in the application is attached as well as the modified process recommended thereon. Before the main issue is handled, an introduction is done regarding the cause of the problem and then the explanation follows in the inclusion of the recommendations. Saccharine Beers Corporation deals in the production and marketing of malted beers. Currently, the plant supplies the beer market with six million bottles of malted beer on a daily basis, which translates into half a million bottles of beer every hour. The capacity of the plant can slightly be increased to about three hundred bottles of beer every hour in a high season. On a low season, the Corporation reduces production up to a hundred thousand bottles every hour. The low season’s production is set so low, to ensure that production caters for just plant costs than to produce without market sensitivity. During the current high season, the plant expanded its production capacity to hit half a million bottles of beer. Production increments were in line with the increased market coverage and promotional strategies embarked in the recent past. Positive results have been confirmed by the Sales Department, with an all-time high sales record being posted. Enthusiasm within the Corporation’s operations has prompted future projections currently made to illustrate a capacity outstretch, both by demand and production. At Saccharine Beers, the production of malted beers is simplified to enable a process that is as close to the natural brewing process as possible. As illustrated in the flowchart, five main production stages are involved in the entire beer making process. For hygiene regulations compliance, the corporation simplifies the process as much as possible for quality assurance (Cobbett, 22). The main processes are briefly discussed, stating the problem involved and strengths.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

GAAP Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

GAAP - Term Paper Example These rules are widely accepted and used as a popular accounting method. â€Å"GAAP is established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board†. (InvestorWords2011) The GAAP first became a popular accounting method in the 1930’s and has been a popular method ever since. GAAP works in many different ways. The GAAP is not a required way of accounting but is preferred by many. GAAP is a way for companies to have their finances written out. The GAAP method is important and helps to insure accuracy and honesty. When businesses use the same accounting method it makes it easy to record and access materials. Statements prepared within this method are prepared with strict standards. Following standards for the GAAP method make it harder for accountants to have a chance for embezzlement or fraud. Accountants using the GAAP as a way to produce statements have very little room for error. When accountants do not use this method is when one should worry about the accuracy of the documents. It is important to remember that GAAP is a set of standards that must be followed. (Investopedia2011) Standards and rules for the GAAP are very important for creating financial documents. Financial documents prepared according to this method show accountants a specific way to prepare the documents. The rules show how to show an income, loss and many other accounting statements. There are over 100 rules that show different methods of reporting transactions. These methods are evaluated by the Financial Accounting Standards Board. This board regulates and exams the rules set out by the GAAP. There are many pros and cons to using the GAAP method. The method offers many positive things to the world of accounting. Before the GAAP there was never really a set method to creating financial documents. The GAAP rules and standards allow those preparing financial documents to prepare documents in the same manner. Preparing documents in the same manner can allow other

Monday, September 9, 2019

Korea Federation of Small & Medium Business Essay

Korea Federation of Small & Medium Business - Essay Example The federation continued to grow and in 1994, the Workface Service Corps for following workers was established. In 1997, small and medium business training centre was established. There was marked growth on the federation in the 1990s which continued in the 2000s. In 2004, the federation establish outlet in Daegu and in 2004, it opened an agency office in Wonju, Gangwon-do which brought to seven the number of agency offices national wide. In 2006, the federation changed its name to Korea federation of small and medium business (Kbiz). This is an outline of a brief history of how the federation has evolved since the 1960s to play it's currently role in the economy and in the business world. During its establishment the federation had set vision which was defined by a set of objectives. Kbiz had the vision of becoming a reliable partner of small and medium enterprises in order to realize dreams and goals in their operation. Therefore it was aimed at standing at the centre of the creation of new opportunity and future value offering the necessary support to the SMEs to help them continue with their innovation, and take them through their challenges. In order to achieve this it had a hope model that outlined what the federal is aim at achieving. As revised during changing of its name, the federation was aimed at offering high service to the clients as give valuable services that will help SMes save time and money, development of a open network of fibers value creation network to be achieved through management which upholds the spirit of entrepreneurial spirit and efforts of the SMEs, and offering excellent effort to the SMEs by linking and connecting different people and different businesses. Activities The federation has been involved in a number of activities which are all aimed at helping the working of the SMEs. The federation is involved in SMEs policy development and research. In this regard, the federation host discussions with experts in order to identify problems that are faced by SMEs and therefore come up with recommended policies that can be adopted by the government and other related authorities and also helping the SMEs to pursue other means of achieving these recommendations. The federation carries out researches and provides all statistics and information as regards the operations of SMEs in the country. The federation also has been able to establish and operate innovative SMEs regulation centre which ensure that there is a favorable environment for formation of companies. In this regard it has been able to identify incentives and other areas of alleviation that are necessary for the operation and formation of these businesses. (Kbiz, 2008) The federation has also been active in organizing and development of the SMEs by supporting a collective initiative. Kbiz has been proving support to help the SMEs to corporate and purse growth together. This has helped tem to advance and increase their financial viability which makes them an attractive investment destination for many investors. Kbiz also support necessary collective activity which is based on the spirit of mutual assistance aimed at enabling such activities like the development of technology, collective brand development, and several other activities which many businesses cannot conduct alone. The federation al

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Economic Effects of Birth Control Technology in China Essay

Economic Effects of Birth Control Technology in China - Essay Example This essay discusses the topic of population explosion that has been one of the main concerns in developing countries, such as China and India. Traditional values, ignorance of birth control technology, and labor intensive farming all play a role in population explosion. After the realization that the continued population growth will have a drastic impact on economic and social systems, many developing countries have adopted population control policies. Today, China is a country with the largest population in the world. Though China has a huge population, it has a weak economic foundation with inadequate per-capita resources. In fact, China is facing many contradictions and problems of economic and social development that are closely associated with the issue of population. The researcher discusses several initiatives taken by Chinese governmen to control population. In conclusion, the researcher mentiones that this is not only good for accelerating rural economic development, increa sing peasants' income, and improving their living standard, but it can also make them realize from their immediate interests the benefit of having less children, gradually changing their attitudes towards fertility, increasing their awareness and enthusiasm for carrying out family planning. An abundant labour supply, combined with relatively small shares of younger and older dependents, not only helped to make China become the world’s factory in the 21st century, but also contributed to increasing the standard of living.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Driving to Colma Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Driving to Colma - Assignment Example On the same point, when the father was seek it is recommended for him to call his friends to see how is feeling concerning the sickness. This is depicted when he calls Jim a friend. On top of that, the invited Japanese come with food. The narrator and the father have a strong relationship when it comes to driving. The father is always dictating the narrator on how to drive and show her directions like a little child. It pisses of the narrator making her to hate the instructions she receives from the father. On top of that the father is very concerning with the welfare of the daughter and he always likes to be driven by the narrator. The two are close friend and a father and daughter respectively. They narrator has the bond of love to her father just like the father to daughter relationship. The narrator loves the car of her father and she always loves driving her to important places like hospital. With the partying gift, the father loves his daughter till he buys her (the narrator) a present. The narrator always loves a quiet life and she does not need anyone to dictate her. She always never liked her father to dictate her and show her directions that are unnecessary. She also loves her father by the fact that she massages her using fists. Each and every time the father gets sick, she always gets worried. All this is proved from the drive where the narrator loves to hold the keys and take her father to a drive. On the other side, the father cares the life of his daughter. She takes her daughter oversees to study and always wants her to be close to him. By allowing her to be driving him, it is a sign of a father daughter love.