Saturday, August 10, 2019

Right Relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Right Relationship - Essay Example â€Å"Cordelia : All bless’d secrets, All you unpublish’d virtues of the earth, Spring with my tears! be aidant and remediate (Shakespear,121)†. Evidently, It shows that, Cordelia has her morals so deeply rooted in her that she find no way to project her love and admiration for her father. King Lear on the other hand, is a fun and frolic person, who is more engaged in worldly pleasures than royal obligations. He wants to enjoy the luxurious and richness of his kingly status but ignores the responsibilities and duties coming along with it. Moreover, he proclaimed a test to verify the fatherly love of his daughters which shows that he is more of a displayer of love than a believer. Later due to the evil nature of certain characters in the play, King Lear and Cordelier gets captivated and end up in trouble. â€Å"Lear:Ask her forgiveness? Do you but mark how this becomes the house:‘Dear daughter, I confess that I am old;[Kneeling.]Age is unnecessary: on my kn ees I beg That you’ll vouchsafe me raiment, bed, and food† (Shakespear,68).Apparently, the play is portraying an evident transition in the nature of King Lear as he realizes his daughter’s true dedication and love for him. ... Lear: Out of my sight!† (Shakespeare,8 ). The above conversation shows that, he was a blind in his materialistic world and never could perceive the real beauty of love and affection. However, Cordelier was his favorite daughter but he never could understand her real feelings and emotions .The Shakespeare has portrayed Cordelia as a character who is entirely lovable with little or no traces of evil in her. It is when the evil characters of the play attempt to corner the King that he realizes the love and dedication of his affectionate daughter Cordelia. King Lear being blind to the real truth of nature banishes the two most powerful and loyal characters in the play in an ignorant manner. King Lear banishes his youngest daughter Cordelie for not giving a superfluous speech showing her love for him. Shakespeare shows in the act that a person blind to truth can no longer differentiate between good and evil and remains ignorant all his life. Apparently, all what Shakespeare is tryin g to do is to educate the people as to the value of virtue and vice. Is King Lear virtuous according to Aristotle’s concepts? King Lear can never be considered virtuous till the end of the play. He lives a blind life by giving no consideration for truth, morality and ethics. All his effort was in living as a joyous royal entity by forgetting his duties towards his children and the country.Shakespear in this play is trying to gauge the characters from the point of view of Aristotle. According to Shakespeare, a human nature has only two sides, either goodness or evilness. King Lear indeed fell in to the evil category, even though he developed goodness as to the ending stage

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