Friday, January 3, 2020

Innocent Voices - 2621 Words

Synopsis. Innocent voices is a biographical movie about the littlehood of Chava (Carlos Padilla). Chava lives with his mother, Kella, (Leonor Varela), a dress-maker, his older sister and younger brother on the outside of the town. Their house is barely more than a shack made of tin and wood, but it is home to the little family at the beginning of the war when the father deserted them for the United States. Chava is now the man of the house. With increasing frequency the guerillas (the independent military who fights the government military) and soldiers engage in battle at night, regardless of the people who live all around. The homes are damaged by gunfire and mortar and many of the town’s people are killed. Chava and his sister go to†¦show more content†¦The Reagan administration substantially increased both military and economic aid to El Salvador. The civil war raged on in El Salvador, fueled by U.S. aid to the Salvadoran military. The government harshly repressed dissent, and at least 70,000 people lost their lives in killings and bombing raids waged against civilians throughout the countryside. The countrys infrastructure had crumbled, and the nation. The government military also start force recruitment to the children who are already twelve years old for becoming the child soldier. so does the geurillas. With continuing reports of atrocities and murders in El Salvador, the U.S. Congress no longer accepted the State Departments assurance that things were getting better. Speaker of the House Tom Foley created a special task force to monitor El Salvadors investigation of the murders. Congressman Joe Moakley of Massachusetts was selected to head up the investigation. During his research and visits to El Salvador, Congressman Moakley encountered a massive cover-up, deep problems with the Salvadoran armed forces, conspiracy and lies, which led him to challenge U.S. policy. He discovered that from a very high level, the armed forces of El Salvador had been responsible for the murders of the Jesuits. His investigation also led to the conclusion that certain levels of the U.S. government had knownShow MoreRelatedDescription Of Zehaf Bibeau 1071 Words   |  5 Pagesrising above the tiny house in front of the window. It was a cute little house made of bricks and wood. A grey Honda sat on the driveway. I don’t know why, but I’ve stared at this house every morning since I turned 40. It’s just so, intriguing, so†¦ innocent . I turn away from the window and make myself some breakfast. My life is beautiful, so nice. I think as I walk into the living room. Nothing can ruin something so†¦ loving. I turn on the Television to channel 4 as usual. Leaning back in her chairRead More Racism and African-American Family Breakdown as Themes in Essay2349 Words   |  10 Pagesit would be... (3). Ernest J. 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