Friday, July 19, 2019

John Lennon :: essays research papers fc

John Lennon   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  October 9, 1940, John Lennon is born into a dysfunctional family in Liverpool, England. After John’s father left him, his mother left him to stay with his Aunt Mimi. At a young age John started writing short stories. The young John Lennon was always a leader. John had his own little gang as a child in England. Nigel Whalley, a friend of John’s, said,† John was always a leader. He was the one to dare you. He never cared what he said or did.†(Corbin13). John and his friends were troublemakers; however, the only people to ever get in trouble were John’s friends and not John. Even though John Lennon died at a young age, he inspired people through his music with the Beatles, his solo career, and through his death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John’s music career began with the look. John wore tight jeans, a leather jacket, and his hair was slicked back (the â€Å"greaser† look). John idolized Elvis and Buddy Holly and the Crickets. After John begged his aunt to buy him a guitar, the first song he learned how to play was Buddy Holly’s â€Å"That’ll be the Day.† John then decided to organize his own band. He gathered up people from his â€Å"gang† in grammar school: best friend Pete Shotten, washboard; Nigel Whalley, tea-chest; Ivan Vaughan, tea-chest; Eric Griffith, guitar; Colin Hanton, drums; and Rod Davis, banjo. As the leader of the band, and the only person with any musical talent, John played lead guitar. The band, Quarrymen, was named after the school they attended. The band had a positive affect on john; he wasn’t getting in any trouble. If John were to get into trouble the band wouldn’t be able to play at school events, dances, parties, or weddings. They played popular rock ‘n’ roll songs like â€Å"Blue Suede Shoes.† John did not like to memorize the words to songs, so he often made up his own lyrics as he was going along.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A double affect of inspiration happened when Ian Vaughan introduced John to Paul McCatrney. John was impressed by Paul and he even admitted that Paul was as good at the guitar as he was. However, John wanted to be a leader and if Paul joined his band he would have to share his leadership. Then John, a few weeks later, came to his senses and asked John to join the band. Pete left the band after John smashed the washboard over his head; however, they still remained friends. Paul started writing songs and this made John jealous. This was probably a good thing, because then John started writing songs.Then they started collaborating songs and they credited them to â€Å"Lennon/McCarthy.

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