Monday, July 22, 2019

Normal Essay Example for Free

Normal Essay In the movie, the normal people of the population of Earth viewed the mutant population as a harmful and negative source of species. The different species of humans had powers that amassed more than the average humans could do or possibly wish to posses and use. In historical reality amongst our real timeline people didnt like colored people within their social settings or gatherings/properties because they believed they had the right to own what they viewed as lesser or different amongst their superior race or species, slavery came into effect. Following the use of slavery led to the abuse of power amongst humans: returning to the cinematic world of X-Men, Nightcrawler, a teleporting mutant, who tries to assassinate the President of the United States if first viewed to have his own personal agenda against the normal human race. The attempt of assassination is later revealed to be a manipulated plot by a normal human, Stryker, a military official with a background of abuse and owner of humans, a master in a sort of manner, with the use of his mutant sons brain excretions to control other mutants he places mutant humans as slaves around him and shows off the great accomplishments he can achieve by modifying or attempting to destroy them to better please other parties, be it even if these parties are mental anguishes and respite in Strykers mind. Government manipulation of general public views and media is shown here, as well as systematic abuse on human rights. Governments have been know to implement their ideals or views of grandeur upon the general population. Be it secret labs, experiments, mind control methods, banning of contrabands, or even assassination plots; many of these have been revealed over the years through efforts under the judicial system and free radicals (hackers and such). Within the movie a military official, Stryker, uses the weakness of certain different species of human to manipulate the power of the government on his side, first in the means of assassination, then the use of information through interrogation on inhumane matters, finally the right to authority and abuse of power to implement his own views. Even the lower tier party of the movie (the mutants) begin to show a basic Master/Slave dialect by means of the mutants not applying much effort to portray their innocence while the humans side constantly places efforts and strains to only show their beliefs of a correct world and system without the second party members, mutants.

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